Dr Gavin Robinson


Last updated: 10 February 2025. I am busy until mid-March 2025. I can always give free advice and estimates to help with project planning and funding applications.


I am a history research assistant. I run my own business offering historical manuscript transcription, XML markup, and data cleaning services. On this website you can find more details of my manuscript transcription and data services and general business information. If you have any enquiries about this work, you can contact me. I can give you free advice and estimates to help with project planning and funding applications, with no obligation to use my services if the application is successful.

I am also available for employment and casual work where contracting out isn't possible, for example if:

I can't do self-employed work for an institution that has recently employed me, but I can be brought in-house by an instution that has previously contracted out work to my self-employed business.